Hall of Fame

VIIth Board

The VIIth board really enjoyed their term of 2023-2024. Thanks to their great teamwork as well as wonderful collaboration with their committees, they had over a hundred events this year. These events range from bookclubs to parties and from sports workshops to painting events. They also put ESN Nijmegen on the map on the national level, making the section more well known in the network. 

From left to right:

Sabin Iacob – Partnerships Manager

Femke Janssen – Integration Manager (September – October)

Andrew Chang – Treasurer

Helen Khorrami – President

Paula Heupel – Secretary

Florine Luijkx – PR Manager

Sorina Bularca – Internal Affairs Manager


Not shown on picture:

Eunji Hong – Internal Affairs Manager (November  – January)

Chiara Diffino – Internal Affaris Manager (February – July)

VIth Board

The VIth board had a blast during their term of 2022-2023. They truly enjoyed every event, trip, party, book club, and especially, the gala, organized by the board and ESN Nijmegen’s amazing committees. They’d like to offer their sincere gratitude to all of their members (and their friends!) and partners who have made this year so special!

From left to right:

Nutsa Gudushauri – Treasurer

Amal Yagoubi – Partnerships Manager

Tamara Woitge – Secretary

Jessica McNab – President (first semester)

Malkia Ndoole – Integration Manager

Katherine Flucher – Internal Affairs Manager (first semester) and President (second semester)

Nina van Loosen – PR Manager

missing on the picture: Sebastian Gingerich – Internal Affairs Manager (second semester) 

Vth Board

The Vth board had an amazing lustrum year 2021-2022. In the first semester, they were still partly affected by the pandemic, but throughout the year, the board, together with their committees, have organised a lot of trips, parties, social (active member) events and, of course, ESN Nijmegen’s birthday and lustrum gala.

From left to right:

Partnerships Manager – Marija Jerkić

External Relations Manager – Diana Tumanyants

PR Manager – Julia Pospiech

Maaike Hinssen – Treasurer

Krystian Janiszewski – President (first semester)

Femke de Ruiter – Secretary

Kirsty Poels – Internal Affairs Manager and President (second semester)

Liora den Herder – Integration Manager

IVth Board

The IVth board of ESN Nijmegen  managed to sucessfully navigate the association through a pandemic-ridden year. They were able to organise amazing events and keep their (active) members motivated and enthusiastic through these difficult times.

From left to right: 

Jos Doldersum – Treasurer 

Eileen Kochanek – Secretary and Internal Affairs Manager 

Romy Bardoel – President and Partnerships Manager 

Serena Leandi – PR Manager 

Krystian Janiszewski – Integration Manager 

Christopher Sambre – External Relations Manager 

IIIth Board

From 2019/2020, the third board of ESN Nijmegen faced challenges nobody had ever expected. COVID-19 threw them off course but they powered through and continued to make ESN Nijmegen a successful and enjoyabe year for the international students of Nijmegen. ,

From left to right 

Alexandra Figaroa Treasurer 

Wenny Evers Partnership Manager 

Marian Plohr – President 

Jack Symms – Intergation Manager

Lydia Arcos Martos – External Relations Manager 

Sayaka Suzuki – PR Manager 

Tobias Dehncke – HR Manager

Nadina Zeharieva – Secretary (not in the picture)

IIth Board

In 2018/2019 the second board fought hard to make ESN Nijmegen a big player with amazing events and super-dooper-cool PR stuff they made ESN Nijmegen grow to over 500 local members.

They also fought hard for an office, laying the cornerstone for what we are now.

From left to right:

Alara Er – Integration Manager

Hieke Zoon – HR Manager

Gina Advena – Secretary

Katrien Hesen – President

Diana Paola López Espinosa – Treasurer

Sean Eoghan McLaughlin – Partnership Manager

Eva Hardege – External Relations Manager

Liz Abzach – PR Manager

Founding Board

The story of ESN Nijmegen (until 2019 ISN Nijmegen) began with seven amazing founding mothers. They fought tooth and nail to get where we are today. They created a diverse international board that represents nearly every continent!

Founding members:

From left to right:

Annika Schiefner – Integration Manager

Renate Adriaansens – Secretary

Tsveta Milanova – Event Manager 

Lisette te Hennepe – President

Stephanie Buah – Treasurer

Geraldine Escobar – PR Manager

Denise Woudsma – Partnership Manager